
CRediT recognised in UK Hidden REF awards

We are delighted to report that the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) has been awarded a ‘Highly Commended‘ status in the ‘Practices’ category of the UK Hidden REF Competition for 2024.

Founded in 2020, the Hidden REF was launched to raise awareness of the research outputs and roles that are vital to research but are often overlooked by traditional research evaluation and assessment exercises.

The aim of Hidden REF is summarised on the website: “It’s only by recognising everyone who is vital to the conduct of research that we will create an environment in which to advance it.” And CRediT aligns perfectly with the ambition of Hidden REF – as a tool to help researchers gain visibility and recognition of the diverse contributions that they have made to research.

To find out more visit the Hidden REF website.


Crossref’s metadata schema to include CRediT

Following a survey of their stakeholder community in Spring 2023, Crossref recently announced their priorities for metadata development for the coming year and beyond.

Among the priorities include:

  1. Ability to include multiple publication types in citations and statements;

2. Expanded support for pre-prints – including support for versions and status;

3. Expanded support for contributor roles, including CRediT.

To find out more and provide feedback see: Expanding support for Contributor Roles for comment